Water Alchemy
~As a Water Alchemist, I use the sacred, healing power of water to align the soul.
“You are not a drop in the ocean; You are the entire ocean in a drop.” ~Rumi
Water Alchemy
I have the gift to be able to:
~Remove Trauma, grief and dark emotional energy.
~Cleanse and clear saboteur energies and unwanted
attached entities connected to a person.
~Use the powerful energy of water to
alchemize one’s soul, heal their past emotional and physical wounds.
“What hurts the soul? To live without tasting the water of it’s own essence”.
— Rumi
Ghazaleh Rafati, PhD
I started my spiritual journey around 4.5 years ago, where I started the process of coming into my psychic abilities. Although as a child, I have always had a “knowing” within me that I could not explain or describe. I have spent many hours working with different practitioners to ascend to my highest energetic elevation as well as becoming a psychic medium and channel. Currently, I am clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient as a result of my work in the last few years. In addition, I transmit healing from my hands through channeling all angelic beings from within me, which clears and transmutes lower vibrational energies using the vehicle of energetic water.
In addition to being a healer, I am a neuropsychologist, licensed in the state of California. I have completed certification and training in neuropsychological assessment. As well, I am trained as a psychotherapist and in that capacity, have worked primarily with children, adolescents and their families in a variety of settings including: an inpatient psychiatric hospital, a brain and spinal cord injury rehabilitation unit, community-based outpatient clinics, public and private schools and private practice setting. Currently, I work in private practice in Corte Madera where I conduct therapy and neuropsychological assessment with children and young adults as well as working with couples and families.